The Future is Bright in Our Hands

passion - Experience - Leader

Tracy P. Skinner


Tracy Paige Skinner

Current OKCPS Assistant Superintendent of Academics


During my 28 years in public education, I have served in various leadership capacities as District Coordinator, Middle School Principal, High School Principal, Director of Secondary Schools, Executive Director of Human Resources, Assistant Superintendent of Academics and Deputy Superintendent.  These varied experiences have allowed me to view public education from a multitude of perspectives.

I’ve had the opportunity to serve in four tremendously successful districts that include Putnam City, Deer Creek, Mustang Public Schools and most recently in Oklahoma’s largest district, Oklahoma City Public Schools.  This gives me different perspectives. It is extremely valuable that I am able to pull from these four outstanding district experiences. 

I am extremely dedicated to my current work and assisted to create the strong foundation of a solid vision, mission and core values, along with the strategic plan of Oklahoma City Public Schools that has been established by our OKCPS administrator team.  My personal goals and objectives as a public school educator and leader align with a vision and core values of building strong relationships and always doing what is right by our students, families, community and staff members.

As a leader, I have been able to help develop and share the vision of focusing on all kids and the staff. I am an extremely hard worker and will always work to take any job or role given to assist in student success and taking a district to the next level.



➤ Home Address

2733 Stafford Road

Edmond, Ok. 73012


(405) 822-3733

Areas of Experience and Strength

Deputy Superintendent & Assistant Superintendent 

Mustang & OKC Public Schools

While in Mustang PS as the Deputy Superintendent & Assistant Superintendent, responsibilities centered on leading the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary, Executive Director of Technology, Special Education and Student Services Department, Federal Programs, Academic Coordinators, and the Human Resources Department. I had the opportunity to serve on the District Finance Committee, Superintendent’s Cabinet and lead the District Long Range Planning Committee and Professional Development. Since July of 2019, as OKCPS Assistant Superintendent of Academics, I have focused on leading strategic planning and realigning the vision and mission of the district.

High School Principal 

Deer Creek High School

As the principal of a growing large 5A high school of 1500 students, I was brought in and asked to change the culture of the high school. My vision for Deer Creek High School was to create a culture of building long lasting relationships with all students and transforming the culture to one of teacher collaboration.  I built a strong, relationship driven team and gained trust and long lasting relationships that quickly changed the culture that was focused on doing what is best for students.

Executive Director of Human Resources 

Mustang Public School

Beginning in 2014 to 2016, the experiences I had in this position were invaluable to me on the business side of the district.  HR law, finances, hiring, onboarding, retention of employees, releasing of employees, unemployment, Title IX, and negotiations team were a few areas of growth and learning for me and areas I took the lead for a large 6A district. In this role, I led our HR team and implemented online applications and electronic records and personnel files for employees. I began the process of making the HR department known as a resource to all employees.

Middle School Principal

Deer Creek Middle School

At Deer Creek Middle School, each year as the administrator, the student growth was over 300 students. With constant growth it was challenging with the financial straints. In the growing district of Deer Creek, I had the opportunity to learn every aspect of school leadership. From being over the finances to assisting with athletic department responsibilities, it was the perfect place to learn how to be creative and have tenacity and never give up!


Director of Secondary Schools 

Mustang Public Schools

I had the opportunity to be the first person for this position and create the vision for the Director of Secondary Schools.   My role was to focus on supporting principals and the growth of principals.

Elementary, Middle and High School Teacher

Putnam City Public Schools & Deer Creer

I loved every minute of teaching elementary through high school students. I taught private voice and piano lessons for many years. I was a teacher leader and was dedicated to giving my students the best learning experiences. After my third year in education, as a teacher leader, Dr. Fred Rhodes saw potential in me and gave me various opportunities to grow as a leader.


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
— John Maxwell - Good to Great